During the COVID-19 pandemic, Good Shepherd has had to re-learn what it means to be a community that worships God together. Without the ability to gather in person each week, we have shifted our focus to worshipping through our online communities on Facebook and YouTube. Here, you can find all our past worship videos, from our Daily Office practice through to our current Spiritual Communion services.
The Daily Office
At the beginning of the pandemic, we began by praying together the Daily Offices of Morning Prayer and sung Evening Prayer (Vespers) in the Mitchell Oratory, led by Fr. Joe and Kristen. Though we are no longer offering these liturgies each week, we encourage you to continue exploring and adapting this ancient prayer practice to your own daily prayer life, especially the practice of the Daily Examen, which is led by Kristen at the end of our Vespers service. You can follow along with either service in the Book of Common Prayer. Click here to access a free digital copy of the BCP.
Holy Week & Easter
This year during Holy Week, we introduced a number of spiritual practices that you can do in your own home. Our Holy Week Resource Guide offered Scripture readings, reflections, and practices that were paired with videos for each day of the week, introducing the practices and liturgies of the church.
Click here to access our Holy Week Spiritual Resource Guide
Our videos each day of Holy Week highlighted the practices introduced in the guide and allowed us to experience the wonder and beauty of Jesus' final week in new ways.
Pentecost & The Great Litany
On the Day of Pentecost, we offered two special online services. Our Sunday Pentecost service offered a new take on our traditional Pentecost reading and parade, and introduced the congregation to Spiritual Communion.
On May 31st during our Vesper's service, we introduced the Great Litany due to ongoing tensions around racial justice in our country and the news earlier that day of an assault on volunteers and peaceful protestors at St. John's Episcopal Church at Lafayette Square. In the spirit of our Anglican ancestors, we prayed that great prayer of the Church, asking God's forgiveness and healing mercy.
Christmas 2020