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Visit Us
Holy Eucharist at 8:00am, 10:30am
Christian Formation at 9:00am
Healing Eucharist with Healing at 12:05pm
For more information about our worship services at Good Shepherd, visit our Worship page.
To learn more about what we believe and how we operate, visit our Beliefs and Leadership pages.
To find out about classes, programs, opportunities to serve at Good Shepherd, visit our Ministries page.
To make a donation to the church, visit our Giving page.
The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd
505 Mountain Road
Asheboro, NC 27205
Phone: 336-625-5234
Click here for a staff directory
Frequently Asked Questions
What are worship services like at Good Shepherd?Our worship follows the 1979 Book of Common Prayer, which is based on the same order for worship used by the earliest Christians and is still used by Episcopal and Anglican churches all over the world. Our style of worship is liturgical while also being warm and relational. We celebrate the eucharist (communion) at nearly every service, with the exception of Good Friday. For more information on our worship services, please visit our Worship page.
What should I wear to worship at Good Shepherd?There is no "dress code" at Good Shepherd, and everyone is welcome to worship with us no matter what style of clothing you are wearing! Jesus tells us not to worry about what we wear, for even Solomon dressed in all his splendor was not as beautiful as a simple wildflower. We do have members who enjoy getting dressed up and wearing suits & ties or dresses to church, while others may come to church in jeans or work clothes. Our 10:30am Sunday service tends to be slightly more formal, as well as special seasonal services like Christmas Eve Midnight Mass and the Great Vigil of Easter. Our evening services, such as Celtic Eucharist, Mass on the Grass, Candlelight Vespers, are much more casual and "come as you are."
I have young children. What do they do during worship?We love and welcome children at Good Shepherd! Your children may stay in the church with you for the entire service, or they may choose to spend the first half of the service in our Nursery (ages 0-4) or in Children's Chapel (3-7), where they can experience readings, prayers, and meditations on Scripture that are interactive and age-appropriate. For more information about our programs for children, please visit our Kids page.
What are your beliefs at the Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd?In the Episcopal Church, we invite questions and conversations about faith at every step of the spiritual journey. Our members come from a variety of faith backgrounds, bringing with them a diverse range of theological ideas, spiritual experiences, and ways of understanding and interpreting Scripture. What binds us together is our shared love of God in Jesus Christ, and our common worship, as outlined in the Book of Common Prayer. To learn more about the way that The Episcopal Church approaches matters of doctrine and belief, visit our Beliefs page.
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